Heavenly Drops

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When God closes a door, He opens a window. I’m a firm believer. Sometimes it opens immediately and seamlessly, other times the window requires an abundance of patience, the right size Allen wrench and a touch of W-D 40 to loosen its grip. And, sometimes He creates a beautiful and pristine window that one never knew existed. Once the window releases, the glass rises, wafting a breath of crisp air and the renewal of fresh possibilities.

In my last blog, my epigenetic nutritionist, Kristy Hall at Living Well Nutrition in Loveland, Colorado,  helped me optimize my health, suggesting new and different vitamins, supplements and food. The addition of a small amount of healthy meat and eggs back into my diet has been a definite plus. On the flip side, the Acetyl-carnitine, bone broth, and mega vitamins were too much for my body to handle. At times, they made me feel even worse. I reverted back to the majority of my original vitamins and supplements, optimizing my body’s balance. But all was not lost. Overall, I incorporated at least half of Kristy’s recommendations into my daily regimen. 

Around April 2021, Kristi hinted at excitement over attending a homeopathic conference in Georgia, where she was brainstorming about my discombobulating case with other practitioners. Her perseverance impressed and honored me. She may not have had all the answers, but she was determined to come up with one, or find someone who did. It finally felt like someone. besides Dr. Cris, was willing to go the extra mile, taking a genuine interest in my case.

Time passed. Surprisingly, I had not heard from Kristy for a few months, and at times, it felt like our relationship had run its course. Did her research come to a dead end? My instincts told me otherwise. I waited patiently.

The wait was not easy. In early August, my dear friend and trainer for 10 years, Bob, informed me he was leaving the training profession to enter the seminary to become a pastor at his church. Truthfully, I was a little bummed at the thought of losing my good friend, yet beyond thrilled that Bob was serving God and answering His call. I also knew that adapting to a new trainer was God’s way of getting me out of my decade’s comfort zone.   

The day after Bob left, God opened my window! I received a text from Kristy Hall… 

“Hi Laurel, 

I’ve been speaking with a couple of medical professionals about how best to support you. I’ve gotten good information and I am creating two new remedies for you. Should ship them by Monday.”

… What??? How exciting!!! All this time, Kristy and her colleagues were busy dreaming up a formula to support me and my CMT. I knew my instincts were right! 

In my original conversation with Kristy, we discussed the theory of vaccine toxicity and its relationship with my CMT. After sharing my vaccination records as a baby, she agreed that vaccine toxicity would be worth investigating.

As she searched for the excipients or make-up of the polio vaccine, in particular, I was doing my own snooping. We both had unsuccessful results. I found it funny/odd that, even with the help of a Texas A&M University librarian, information that should be so simple to obtain is nowhere to be found. The only way to find the make-up of a vaccine in the late 60s is to take it up with the government’s Freedom of Information Act. But applying with the FOA is like jumping on a giant hamster wheel… it gets you nowhere. Why are these excipients so hard to find? Well, I’m not sure, but something smells fishy.

Kristy’s colleague suggested that she use their computer’s database to test my original hair sample for ALL excipients, not just the polio vaccine. My hair sample tested high for vaccine toxicity, so she sent me a bottle of liquid detox drops as a remedy. Based on those same results, Kristy was also sending me a remedy to support the MFN2 gene; the gene specifically identified for the expression of my CMT disease. She concocted drops especially formulated for me in conjunction with a medical doctor in her office and a neuropath in Georgia.

CMT drops and vaccine detox drops

Kristy emphasized how these drops were experimental. The goal of the drops is to provide instructions to the genes and inform them of how they are supposed to behave. In theory, they will clean the “dirty” MFN2 gene of any vaccine toxicity, telling the cells to start copying correctly.

But what impressed me most was Kristy’s note accompanying the drops… 

‘I am sending these bottles with prayers. May our Father whose love knows no bounds shower blessings of healing on you.” … 

Her prayers and blessings meant the world to me! God guided Kristy and her efforts, and through Him — we both had nothing but hope!

When the drops arrived, I said a prayer of gratitude and gobbled them down. The day after, I noticed a difference. I felt more put together. Could the drops be working that quickly? Was my mind playing tricks on me? Could this be psychosomatic? I didn’t care. Anyway, it was too soon to make any judgments. I was going to trust God and trust the process.

After being on the vaccine detox drops and CMT drops for five days, my chiropractor, Dr. Cris, muscle tested me. A muscle test reveals if whatever you put into your body agrees with it, or not. My body seemed jubilant over both drops; The CMT drops resulted in a strong, positive reaction, but the vaccine detox drops were over-the-top, super, super strong and extremely favorable to my body. The muscle test results confirmed to my chiropractor that the vaccines administered to me as a baby caused the symptoms of CMT all those years ago.

Kristy’s original instructions were to take the drops for four weeks. At that point, I contacted Kristy, sharing with her I had nothing but good news to report!! My biggest complaint for a while was that I felt like I was falling apart. Finally, I was feeling less “boney” and more put together. This led to stronger, longer, and more powerful workouts. Better training sessions led to easier adjustments, more confidence to push my body, and being less prone to going out of alignment. The drops offered self- assurance and an overall sense of wellbeing. People commented how they could visibly see in my eyes how much better I was feeling. A returned sparkle whose glimmer reflected relief and hope. I could feel it, too!

This news overjoyed Kristy, as chill bumps covered her entire body!!! With such successful results after only four weeks, Kristy wanted me to continue the drops; the CMT drops probably indefinitely. She also wanted to test more strands of my hair to see if there’s any difference in vaccine toxicity levels from when I first started the drops.

For 54 years, medical doctors shrugged their shoulders, providing me no suggestions, remedies, or answers. The window seemed to be shut. Finding another option was nothing but divine intervention. God designed a new window I never knew existed, and I’m climbing through head first! Even though these mystical and amazing drops sound almost too good to be true, I’m not questioning because this gift from God makes me feel better every day!! I feel so blessed and pray that these drops continue their healing effects… all in Strides of Faith!

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