Archive for the workout Tag

A Catholic Girl in a Jewish Pool

The pool has always provided freedom of movement, removing the shackles of gravity. I love how my body flows effortlessly through the waves. A considerably strong swimmer as a youngster, endurance always trumped speed.  I took swim lessons, yet the Olympics never came calling. Conquering my Junior Life Saving test, at the age of 12, was a grueling accomplishment, and
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Spatchcocked Chicken Derailment

This playful, bordering on silly, Easter photo mirrors the lightheartedness I currently sense inside and out. A blessed “rebirth” that truly reflects the joy of the Easter season. For the first time in a while, I relished a holiday outing instead of fixating on getting home and getting through it. Every morning when I open my eyes, I am greeted
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Break Out Day

Today’s workout with Bob was on land.  Each workout gets minutely better and better.  But, every now and then, I’ll have a break out day, helping progress to the next phase of walking. Today was one of those days! I started with 20 minutes on the exercise ball , then held a stationary crawl position for a new time of
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